Transparency and Validation
Examine model calculations to validate results

Visual pathways drive calculations
You can rely on the time-tested algorithms in TreeAge Pro to faithfully follow your pathways.

Markov Cohort reports show patient flows
Validate every step in your patient pathways including the accumulation of cost and utility at any node.
Review internal calculations
Turn on debugging options to review calculation details in the console.

Review important model elements at a glance
Use the Model Dashboard to quickly examine critical elements of model configuration, structure and inputs. One-click access to further details on each element.
Validate external models
Use TreeAge Pro to quickly rebuild a model originally built in another platform to validate the original model’s results.
You can then export the TreeAge Pro model to Excel.
Review TreeAge Pro’s Markov calculations in Excel
Export a Markov model to a working Excel model with all the internal cohort analysis details visible in Excel formulas.
Export scenario results to Excel
Distribute results under different scenarios to reviewers and management, so they can quickly and easily test the credibility of results by adjusting inputs.
Did you know TreeAge Pro is a transparent, versatile, and easily adaptable modeling tool that is accepted by HTA authorities globally?
- From early clinical or commercial viability modeling to HTA economic model submissions, TreeAge Pro supports your most challenging drug development and reimbursement decisions.
- Use TreeAge Pro as your modeling engine and export the model to Excel to communicate results in a familiar format.
- TreeAge Pro models are accepted by many global HTA agencies, including:
- PBAC (Australia)
- PHARMAC (New Zealand)
- CHUIKYO (Japan)
- CENETEC (Mexico)
- Download a comprehensive Reviewer Checklist.
- We fully support HTA authorities globally with TreeAge Pro models. If you need help with reviewing a TreeAge Pro model, please contact Vanessa Mirsky, Director of HTA directly at for assistance.