27. Sharing Your Model via PDF

You may want to share your model and results with clients and colleagues who do not have TreeAge Pro installed. TreeAge Pro provides the capability to export the model to a PDF format for easy sharing.

The resulting PDF can include the following...

  • An image of the model.

  • An image of the calculated model.

  • Text describing the model.

  • Probability Distribution graphs for selected strategies.

We will use the Legal training example model s BreachOfContract.trex to demonstrate this process of saving a model summary in PDF format. A portion of the PDF is shown below.

To create the model summary

  • Open your model or the example model.

  • Choose File > Save Model Summary from the menu.

  • Select which elements you wish to include in the summary.

  • Enter text describing the model as desired.

  • Click OK.

The dialog for preparing the model summary is presented below.

Within this dialog you determine whether to include a image(s) of the model (original and/or calculated) as well as headings for the PDF pages. You can also enter formatted text to describe the model. Finally, for any strategies with multiple scenarios, you can include a probability distribution graph to visually assess financial risk associated with that strategy.

Based on your model and specifications above, TreeAge Pro creates a PDF that can be distributed to clients and colleagues.