40.2 Patient Tracking Reports
Since the model is configured for Patient Tracking, there are additional secondary reports available in the Microsimulation results.
To recreate these results, run microsimulation for 1000 trials and it will open the Monte Carlo Dashboard, as in the figure below. You then select the 'Patient Tracking Reports' (under the Data Reports) to see the additional reports.
Note: The Cohort and Trial Reports will not run correctly if you do not select in the Tree Preferences to record at least the active payoffs (cost and effectiveness in this model) and 'uncheck' the section 'do not skip records with no data updates'.
When you select Patient Tracking reports, you have the following options as in the screen shot below.
The options are:
Trial: Details about how each trial passes through the model.
Cohort: Aggregates individual trial data per cycle and presents outputs in relation to the percentage of the cohort.
All Data: Report all data by trial and time.
Trial - Data Items by Time Period: Report data for a single trial by data item and time period.
- Data Item - Trials by Time Period: Report data for a single data item by trial and time period.
- Strategy: Select the strategy you want to see output for.
You can use Patient Tracking for other kinds of debugging/validation as well. If you think of something that would be helpful if integrated into the software, please send us the suggestion.