18.4 Node comments
Detailed comments can be assigned to the branches of a node and saved with the tree. Unlike notes and branch labels, the text of node comments is hidden.
Node comments are particularly useful for recording the basis on which probability assignments were made for the branches of a chance node.
To add node comments:
Select a node that has at least one branch.
Choose Node > Node Branch Comments from the menu.
Enter node comments.
Click Save.
The dialog allows you to enter notes for each branch of the selected node. The notes can be formatted using the formatting toolbars.
A red flag will appear above any node for which node comments have been entered. See below.
Node comments can also be seen in the Node Properties View. Just open this from the Views dropdown menu. Click on the ellipsis button next to the current comment in the Node Properties View to edit the node comments for the selected branch.
To remove node comments, delete the text in the Edit Node Comments Dialog.