11.1 Using the Formula Editor

The Formula Editor is a tool to create expressions from different inputs and elements in TreeAge Pro.

Within TreeAge Pro, there are many inputs where an expression is required. For most of those inputs, you can open the Formula Editor to help build the expression. You open the Formula editor by clicking on the "=fx" button within the expression entry. Below are two images showing where you can edit expressions in TreeAge.


Once the proper expression has been built using the Formula Editor, the expression is placed back in the tree based on wherever the input was being edited from - i.e. where-ever the Formula Editor was opened.

The Formula Editor itself is split into two sections which have different elements in them.

  • Build Expression: The expression that is being modified by the Formula Editor.

  • Add to Expression: The elements to add to the expression are found here and are:

    • Group: Element type to display in the Element section.

    • Element: Individual item to add to the expression.

    • "+": A button to add the selected Element to the Build Expression editor. An alternative is to double-click the left mouse key.

The image below of the Formula Editor describes what you are editing, in this case "Edit Probability".

If you click on an item in the Group section, the Element section will show elements that match the selected type.

If you double-click on an item in the Element section, that item is added to the expression. Alternatively you can use the "+" button to move that item into the Build Expression section.

Click OK to close the Formula Editor and replace the original expression in the tree with the new expression from the Formula Editor.

Click Cancel to close the Formula Editor and leave the original expression in the tree unchanged.