Release TreeAge Pro 2016, R2 is highlighted by enhancements to Markov Cohort Analysis and Reporting. While TreeAge Pro has always provided calculation details in these reports, the new reports break down calculations even further to provide increased transparency. They also provide a new calculation algorithm – Within-Cycle Correction – to more accurately accrue cost and effectiveness as a cohort moves among states within each Markov cycle.

The new features include the following.

  • New Markov Cohort Reports with Increased Transparency
    Use the new Markov cohort reports to review all calculations from a cohort analysis. The basic report now separates state rewards from transition rewards. The extended report shows original inputs, discounted inputs, and calculated rewards at every node in the model, including all states and transitions.
  • Within-Cycle Correction (WCC)
    In Markov Cohort Analysis, WCC calculates cost and effectiveness for a health state based on the percentage of the cohort in the state at both the beginning and the end of the cycle. Markov models can use either the traditional or the new WCC algorithm.
  • High-Resolution Displays
    TreeAge Pro better handles high-resolution displays for both Windows and Mac operating systems. If you see small toolbar icons on a high-resolution display, perform a full reinstallation to pull in the new components related to this display issue. Installers can be downloaded from
  • Probability Distribution Analysis
    Generate probability distribution output with better and more flexible data grouping.
  • Improved Histograms
    Generate clearer and more flexible histograms from your simulation output.
  • Copy/Paste Model Inputs
    Copy variables, distributions, tables, and trackers from one model to another.
  • New Distributions
    Use the new Gompertz and Generalized Gamma distributions.
  • New Functions
    Use the new Probit and ERF functions.
  • Exporting Images
    Exporting images of models and graphs with new file formats and color options.
  • Probability Formatting
    Show probabilities as percentages in rolled back models.
  • Store Regional Settings in Model Configuration
    Share models with colleagues in other countries using the regional settings built into the model regardless of the settings on other computers.
  • Summary Report via Object Interface
    Access to the Monte Carlo simulation Summary Report from the programming Object Interface.

To update your software.

  • This version requires an active Annual License or a Standard License with Maintenance expiring on or after July 1, 2016. Please go to to see if your license is eligible for this release.
  • You can update your software by choosing Help > Update from the menu. You may need to restart TreeAge Pro running as an administrator to complete this process.
  • Alternatively, you can update to this version via a full reinstallation. You can download the installers from