25. Budget Impact Analysis

"Budget impact analyses are used to estimate the likely change in expenditure to a specific budget holder resulting from a decision to reimburse a new healthcare intervention or some other change in policy at an aggregate population level. In contrast to cost-effectiveness analyses, which are used to estimate value for money, analyses using budget impact models assess affordability."

Citation: Budget Impact Analysis [online]. (2016). York; York Health Economics Consortium; 2016. https://yhec.co.uk/glossary/budget-impact-analysis/


The Budget Impact Analysis wizard allows you to export information from a TreeAge Cost Effectiveness model to incorporate into a Budget Impact model. This process creates an Excel workbook with exported data for selected model payoffs over requested time periods. This data can then be used as source data for budget impact calculations.

Your Budget Impact Model may require a split of costs into different categories. You can do this automatically with the Build Model Outcomes Wizard - Markov Models.