What’s New in TreeAge Pro

New features are introduced every January and July.

Check back here for future enhancements.

For more information on recent releases

TreeAge Release Details

Healthcare: Markov Model Wizard & Markov Survival Plot
Business: Legal Model Wizard & Model PDF Summary

January 2025

Markov Model Building Wizard *

With the Markov Model Wizard, you can create your model in a few simple steps. It’s never been easier to build a Markov Model with TreeAge Pro.

Markov Plot View *

The Markov Plot View allows you to create a graphical representation of Markov disease progression with a single click. You can overlay the Markov Plot with survival tables to see how closely your model matches with source clinical data. You can then adjust your model pathways and/or event probabilities to better match the source data, resulting in a more accurate model.

Legal Model Building Wizard *

Create a legal model in a few quick steps.
Define the legal issues to be decided.
Sort them as they would be presented in court.
Specify connections between issues and outcomes.
Generate the model in Decision Tree and Influence Diagram formats.

Create Model Summary PDF *

Easily communicate with clients and colleagues by creating a summary of your model and its findings. The PDF includes a picture of your model, a model description and model results.

* Feature requires active Maintenance.

Survival Plot, Share Patient Simulation Models, Calculate Risk from Distributions

July 2024

Visualize Survival Estimates with the Survival Plot
Compare different estimates of survival with the Survival Plot View. Compare survival and/or hazard functions from distributions, tables and formulas  to determine which is most accurate and appropriate for your model. No model structure is required, just add survival/hazard series and review the graphs. Export your survival estimate comparison to image or PDF files to share with colleagues.

Share Patient Simulation Models over the Web *
Share patient simulation/microsimulation models over the web. Setup the model for sharing within TreeAge Pro, then upload the model to TPWeb.treeage.com to share it with colleagues.

Share Models with Everyone over the Web *
Share your models on TPWeb with the world, perhaps in support of a paper publication. The existing sharing option to share with an individual remains the default sharing option.

Calculate Hazard/Risk from Distributions
Calculate instantaneous risk over time from time-to-event distributions. For years, you could calculate survival over time from a distribution using the DistSurv function. The new DistHazard function allows you to use the same distributions to calculate instantaneous risk, which allows you to combine different risks seamlessly within the hazard domain.

Web Model Sharing, Add Distribution Wizard

January 2024

Web-based Model Sharing
Share your model on the web. You define the web functionality by choosing which inputs can be edited and which analyses can be run. Then share the model with colleagues, so they can review and analyze the model.

Add Distribution Wizard
Select a model input to include in Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis. With just a few mouse clicks, the wizard creates the appropriate distribution and references it in the model.

Generate Simulation Dashboard Graphs
Many modelers liked the dashboard graphs presented in Monte Carlo Simulation Dashboards. You can now generate those graphs in independent windows with graph and export options.

New Help Documentation for TreeAge Pro Business
TreeAge Pro Business product documentation has been rewritten in a new browser-enabled format. This allows you view help in open multiple tabs of a separate browser window while working with TreeAge Pro.

Hazard Functions, Table Sensitivity, New Help Documentation

July 2023

Modeling with Hazards
Integrate hazard functions into your model to more accurately model disease progression.
Watch webinars for a look at the new functions.

  • Calculating Hazards from Survival Data
    Convert survival data to hazards for additional flexibility related to modeling with health risks. Also convert to validate model results to ensure that they accurately represent health risks.
  • Editing and Extending a Hazard Table
    Use the hazard table editor to modify hazards and examine how the risk changes affect survival.
  • Using Hazards in a PartSA Model *
    Integrate hazards into a Partitioned Survival model by defining survival using hazard functions.
  • Using Hazards in a DES Model *
    Integrate hazards into a Discrete Event Simulation model using a HazardTable or HazardExpression distribution for time-to-event.
  • Using Hazards in a Markov Model
    Integrate hazards into a Markov model by calculating event probabilities based on changing hazards/risks over time.
  • Sensitivity Analysis with Hazards
    Apply sensitivity analysis to hazard tables.
  • Survival Curve and Hazard Curve Graphs
    Generate Hazard Curve graphs as well as Survival Curve graphs for the survival curve nodes (i.e., PFS, OS) in your model.
  • Plot Distribution Survival and Hazards
    New control in the Distributions View allows you to plot survival and hazards from survival-related distributions. Both survival and hazards can be exported to tables.

Sensitivity Analysis on Tables
Expand table data to three value columns (low, base case, high) to support sensitivity analysis. This can help you apply sensitivity analysis to time-depending values in your model.

New Help Documentation

Product documentation has been rewritten and restructured to make it easier to develop your skills with TreeAge Pro. Help now opens in a separate browser window.

New Markov Cohort Dashboard, Prediction Intervals, Simulation Batches

January 2023

New Markov Cohort Dashboard
Markov Cohort Analysis results are now consolidated into a single dashboard with access to all cohort reports and graphs that show detailed calculations.
New graphical outputs for additional model outputs.

Simulation Mean Prediction Intervals
Monte Carlo Simulation (Microsimulation & PSA) and histogram outputs show mean values and prediction intervals. These new statistics help you determine how stable simulation means are based on the width of the prediction interval.
Histogram options to show trendlines, mean and mean prediction interval.

Batch Simulation Runs
Run a batch of any Monte Carlo simulation to see how stable results are from run to run. This can help determine if your simulation included enough iterations.

Distribution Parameters from SAS, Stata, R
Create distributions with parameters generated from several statistical packages.

Sensitivity Analysis/Tornado Outputs for Extra Payoffs
Sensitivity Analysis Dashboards now include links to graphs that show how additional model outputs change with your selected input parameter.

New Sensitivity and Tornado Dashboards

July 2022

New 1-way sensitivity analysis and tornado dashboards help you immediately understand the impact of uncertainty on your model.

Enhanced tornado diagrams with additional easy-to-use options for customizing charts.

Simultaneously update decision tree payoffs at multiple nodes.

Combined Markov for Strategy

January 2022

Redesigned simulation output to provide improved visibility into the results.

Create consolidated Markov Cohort reports and graphs for a strategy that splits into multiple Markov nodes.

Combine Markov state proportion graphs and survival curves from multiple strategies and/or models.

Price Threshold Analysis

July 2021

Identify the maximum price where the associated treatment would be considered cost-effective. Find price thresholds for multiple WTP values and multiple model scenarios.

Budget Impact Tool

January 2021

Export TreeAge Pro model cost outputs by time period to Excel. Then create a Budget Impact Analysis workbook using the output cost data.

Create new model inputs for budget impact costs or for time-in-state.

Decision Tree Enhanced Tools

July 2020

Enter payoff values at the any nodes along your model pathways.
Review values accumulated along event pathways with new reporting.

January 2020

Calibration iteratively adjusts model input values to match target results based on observed clinical data.

July 2019

Build PartSA models that track state membership based on survival curves derived from parametric distributions or from Kaplan-Meier curves. Use PartSA models within the familiar TreeAge Pro modeling framework to take advantage of built-in tools for cost-effectiveness analysis, sensitivity analysis, probabilistic sensitivity analysis, etc.

Export Scenario Results to Excel

January 2019

Export results from any model with different combinations of model inputs.

Share with colleagues in a familiar Excel format.

Print/Export Model Wizard

July 2018

Generate high-quality model image files.

Control the display by splitting the model into multiple images and hiding numeric values.

Dynamic Cohort Size

January 2018

Study population dynamics by specifying an initial cohort size and add people to the cohort over time.

Generate reports for the full cohort size for budget analysis.

Patient Interaction

January 2018

Incorporate interaction among patients into your simulation models.

Add global variables to control the environment for all patients to handle resource allocation and queues.

Patient Tracking Reports

July 2017

Track patients in your simulation to see every step they take in the model.

Aggregated reports show patient flow with time in the familiar Markov Cohort report format.

January, 2017

Convert a TreeAge Pro Markov cohort model to a stand-alone Excel model with a single mouse click.